Adrese: Rīga, Krišjāņa Valdemāra iela 149 - 507
Reģ.Nr.: 40203018488   Reģ.Datums: 2016-09-09       Active

This company has Highest creditworthiness.

The Company BALTIC PROF SIA has been registered on 09.09.2016.
The status of the company is active .
The number of employees in the company in 2023 was 28. The number of employees has increased compared to year 2022.
The net sales for 2023 were 1213807 EUR. The net sales of BALTIC PROF SIA have increased compared to 876620 EUR in year 2022.
The profit for 2023 is 300888 EUR. The profit has increased compared to -165572 EUR in year 2022.
The company's activity is (NACE2: 4120) Dzīvojamo un nedzīvojamo ēku būvniecība - Construction of residential and non-residential buildings; (NACE2: 4391) Jumta seguma uzklāšana - Roofing activities.
The credit rating of BALTIC PROF SIA is AAA (Highest Creditworthiness). The recommended credit limit is 109243 EUR.

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Rating classes


Highest creditworthiness

Minimal credit risk

Recommended credit limit - 9% of turnover


Good creditworthiness

Low credit risk

Recommended credit limit - 6% of turnover




Recommended credit limit - 3% of turnover