D&B Onboard delivers Customer Due Diligence goals efficiently in a single solution
D&B Onboard enables your customers to carry out customer due diligence including verification and screening processes with the right data insight, on a global scale. It allows them to build on their AML policy or CDD processes and drive improvements and efficiencies utilising D&B`s trusted data built within the solution.
It enables Business and Individual Verification and establishes who the principals of businesses around the globe and their status and financial strength. Users can also find the beneficial owners of businesses – whether this is corporate ownership or people owning shares.
In addition, D&B Onboard supports screening of both business and individuals against Sanctions, PEP lists and adverse media working with our partner RDC.
Moreover, customers can manage their target entities by creating a full audit trail, adding notes and storing this information within the application for archiving and reporting, avoiding duplication of effort and cost.
Key Customer Benefits: